Babylon GP at Hand's antibiotic prescribing rates are in the lowest two deciles of all NHS general practices

Since Babylon GP at Hand went live across London in November 2017, prescribing of all antibiotics, including broad-spectrum antibiotics, has stayed low.

Data from shows that, when adjusted for age and sex using oral antibiotics item-based STAR-PUs, Babylon GP at Hand is in the lowest two deciles for prescribing of all antibacterial drugs.

Graph showing that when adjusted for age and sex using oral antibiotics item-based STAR-PUs, Babylon GP at Hand is in the lowest two deciles for prescribing of broad spectrum antibiotics

Through regular audit and peer learning, made possible by recording all digital appointments, and by carefully managing clinical workloads, Babylon GP at Hand is prescribing appropriately and helping fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Graph showing that when adjusted for age and sex using oral antibiotics item-based STAR-PUs, Babylon GP at Hand is in the lowest two deciles for prescribing of all antibiotics is the source for the data, metrics and charts used. derive standardised antibiotic prescribing rates from NHS Digital datasets, including registered patient list size and number of prescribing units per practice. The list size on the first day of each calendar month is used for the monthly data, along with the total number of relevant items prescribed over the course of the month. For a rapidly growing practice like Babylon GP at Hand, this means that the standardised antibiotic prescribing rate will be slightly over-estimated for later days in the month. The size of this effect can be estimated by re-weighting the results by the ratio of the list size at the start and end of the month. This affects the result by reducing standardised antibiotic prescribing rate, however the effect is relatively small (typically less than a decile).

See more data here